


Inspired by IntelTechniques OSINT resources, the following Search Tools were created to simplify reconnaissance during authorized security testing and bug bounty hunting.

The following input fields are used to populate “pre-canned” search queries that can help identify new assets, perform vulnerability identification, or find new information about a target domain.

NOTE: All search items are opened in a new, dedicated browser tab using client-side JavaScript. No data is collected or retained by this site.

Search Options

Subdomain Enumeration

Linkedin Employees

Internal Documents

Backup Files

Directory Listings

Open Redirect

XSS Parameters

Sensitive Parameters


The tools provided on this site are offered “as-is”, without warranty, and disclaiming liability for damages resulting from use. Copyright 2024 BreachTactics.

All published content is intended for research and educational purposes only. Author is not responsible for illegal use. Use responsibly and never target systems you don’t own or have explicit permission.